Ray's Shooting Gallery

A classic fairground favourite

A simple, silly game — yet it increases your conversion!

Include this game in your webshop and have your customers win prizes, such as different discount levels or free products.

The game has been made with CSS3 and jQuery. Mainly, the clicks and counters are jQuery while the animations are pure CSS. When speed is involved, it has built-in variables to easily adjust speed or difficulty level so you won't lose customers. But even then, hey, a booby prize can still be worth a product sample or free shipping!

This game is licensed under GNU General Public License v2.0. That means you may use it commercially. However, I would like to be notified if you use this game and remember, it needs tweaking to your specific needs and that is where I might be of service.

See more silly games like these at my website.

This project is part of my Playground - a collection of fun (and dare I say it: clever) stuff I made in the past, from jQuery games and plugins to CSS animation tricks.

Please drop in on my portfolio site
